Saturday, September 20, 2008

Anathema-One last goodbye

Ei bine,de piesa asta ma leaga de o poveste. A inceput , in mod surprinzator, tot cu o piesa de la Anathema, mai precis Fragile Dreams, iar piesa asta a definit intreaga relatie... Asta a fost,o succesiune de vise frumoase, care s-au risipit odata cu vrajile noptii.Dar cum orice inceput are si un final, iata ca a sosit si the time for One last goodbye.

Somehow I knew you would leave me this way
Somehow I knew you could never, never stay
And in the early morning light
After a silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
And my being

In my dreams I can see you
I can tell you how I feel
In my dreams I can hold you
And it feels so real

I still feel the pain
I still feel your love
I still feel the pain
I still feel your love

Diferenta dintre versurile piesei de fata si situatia de fata e ca "I still feel your love" se potriveste ca nuca`n perete. Dar cu timpul si iubirea mea pentru el s-a transformat, a devenit altceva, asta e regula, totul se transforma, nimic nu se pierde.
A venit vremea sa iert si sa ma iert...


Resto said...

melodia e grozava, nu e chiar atat de bine ca trebuie sa te gasesti si tu in ea.

Cristina-Andreea Nourescu said...

Desi poate te surprinde eu ma bucur ca am ajuns sa ma regasesc in ea, e mai bine decat chasing shadows...

Resto said...

...I love chasing shadows, I love waiting, i love extending the lie.

Cristina-Andreea Nourescu said...

it hurts like hell... and i`ve done it for a long time already... it`s time to cool the brakes